Dealing with your panic attacks is a difficult road. Each individual’s symptoms are different, and there are a myriad of factors that can bring on an attack. This can make finding relief for the individual sufferer hard.
Use music to calm yourself at the onset of a panic attack. Put on some soothing songs and focus on the words and the melody. If you are able to take your mind off of your symptoms, your body has a better chance of recovering and moving back toward normalcy.
Deal with your panic attacks by seeing a great therapist. Research online, ask friends in your area, and consult your regular doctor to find a good counselor that can help you with your panic attacks.
Taking control of your actions during a panic attack is a great way to get it over with quickly. The more you refuse to give in to your fear, fighting whatever it tells you to do, the less likely your anxiety is to return.
Panic Attacks
If panic attacks are a problem for you, and you haven’t been able to solve them yet, research relaxation and breathing techniques. Simply changing how you breathe and making it a calmer process may allow you to handle your panic attacks better.
Try talking to a counselor to help you gain some control over your panic attacks. These are highly trained professionals who know how to help. Just realizing there is a professional around to handle the symptoms can go a long way in preventing future attacks.
When you feel the grip of fear during a panic attack, ask if there is anything to truly be scared of in your environment. Will someone cause you harm? Most likely the answer to those questions is no, so you can relax and allow the fear to leave your body.
Apply deep breathing techniques to shorten the duration of a panic attack. Breathe deeply in through the nose to extend your stomach, count to five, and then breathe out through the mouth, once again counting to five. Count the total number of breaths. At 10, you should feel calmer and more relaxed.
Panic Attacks
The first part of battling anxiety and your panic attacks is to identify all the different signs and symptoms of your specific panic attacks. Identifying the causes and being knowledgeable of your symptoms will enable you to identify when you are starting to have a panic attack. This can help you a lot.
Keep in mind that you have experienced this before, and nothing terrible happened. Relax, then look for ways to avoid unnecessary anxiety and potential triggers.
When a panic attack is happening to you, focus on what real things you can tell are happening to you. Try to keep in mind that you are just experiencing an over-stimulation of your nervous system. Remember that no matter how terrifying it seems, no physical harm will occur. Having this internal thought process will keep your perspective in check, and will help to end the episode quicker. Panic attacks are horrible, and this tip is not meant to down-play that, though if you can adopt this type of thinking, you will be able to negate some of your panic.
Because you are accustomed to having panic attacks, you can identify the signs that one is about to occur. Perhaps the more crucial question for you to answer is why they are occurring and what you may be able to do to halt their progression.